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Reports of the conversations which has happened over time, can be viewed in the Reports Section. Click on Reports on home page.

Chatlake Home Screen

The below window opens up with Overview of the Reports.

Chatlake Report Home Screen

Report can be generated for various durations. This can be done by selecting the time period in the drop-down list as shown below. By default, it is for last 7 days.

Report Duration selection drop down


Click on Conversations tab in Reports. The graph will show the conversation happened on the selected days. On pointing the mouse to a particular graph of the day, the details of the conversations happened on that day can be found out. An example is given below. On Aug 11, 2 conversations occurred.

Conversations Report Screen

Incoming Messages

Click on Incoming Messages tab in Reports. The graph will show the number of incoming messages happened on the selected days. On pointing the mouse to a particular graph of the day, the details of the number of incoming messages happened on that day can be found out. An example is given below. On Aug 10, 5 incoming messages occurred.

Incoming Messages Report Screen

Outgoing Messages

Click on Outgoing Messages tab in Reports. The graph will show the number of outgoing messages happened on the selected days. On pointing the mouse to a particular graph of the day, the details of the number of outgoing messages happened on that day can be found out. An example is given below. On Aug 15, 4 outgoing messages occurred.

Outgoing Messages Report Screen

First Response Time

Click on First Response Time tab in Reports. The graph will show the average number of hours taken to give first response to a conversation with a customer. On pointing the mouse to a particular graph of the day, the average number of hours taken for first response for that particular day can be found out. For example, on Aug 10, average First response time was 0.4 hours.

First Response Time Report Screen

Resolution Time

Click on Resolution Time tab in Reports. The graph will show the average number of hours taken to resolve a particular conversation with a customer. On pointing the mouse to a particular graph of the day, the average number of hours taken for resolving conversations for that particular day can be found out. For example, on Aug 15, average First response time was 0.11 hours.

Resolution Time Report Screen

Resolution Count

Click on Resolution count tab in Reports. The graph will show the number of conversations resolved on the selected days. On pointing the mouse to a particular graph of the day, the details of the number of conversations resolved on that day can be found out. An example is given below. On Aug 11, 1 conversation was resolved.

Resolved Count Report Screen

Download agent Reports

Details of performance of Agents can be done by clicking the Download agent Reports button given on the right hand top side of the page. The report will be downloaded in csv format. Example given below.

Download Report Button
Downloaded Report in CSV File format


All the Customer Satisfaction surveys which have been collected from the customers during the end of the conversation can be seen here.

Click on 'Reports' on Chatlake Dashboard Home Screen.

CSAT Report Screen

Next, click on 'CSAT'. The screen will show the details of the Customer Surveys.

CSAT Report Screen

Agent reports

You can also filter and download reports by agent. Click on the reports in the sidebar and select "Agents".

Agent Report Screen

Label reports

You can also filter and download reports by labels. Click on the reports in the sidebar and select "Labels".

Labels Report Screen

Inbox reports

You can also filter and download reports by inboxes. Click on the reports in the sidebar and select "Inbox".

Inbox Report Screen

Team reports

You can also filter and download reports by teams. Click on the reports in the sidebar and select "Team".

Team Report Screen